Gold Rider Leyland Cypress (Cupressus × leylandii 'Gold Rider')

3' on receipt (April 2021)

Source: Morristown Agway (NJ)

Size shipped: #3 pot (measured 3')

Planted: In ground, April 2021

First flowering: Who cares?

(This plant stayed behind when I moved in 2021; therefore, the following text will receive no further updates.)

Got this one to replace the incense-cedar. Since it's a yellow form, it should grow not quite as fast as a standard Leyland cypress, which is a good thing (it's not like I need this tree for a quick screen or anything like that; it's just to have something in the corner that won't get too wide).

When none of the online nurseries I knew of had this tree in stock (except for The Tree Center, which I'm trying to avoid as much as possible), I consulted my notes from 2019-2020 on who had what locally, and I found that the Agway nearest me had this cultivar back then -- so I tried them and they did not disappoint. I picked one that didn't have quite as many roots growing out the drainage holes as some of the others, and for the most part the outer roots proved easy to tease away from the root ball on planting, so I didn't bother shaving off a layer. Though there was one thick root that did seem to be growing in the wrong direction that I couldn't cut because I had forgotten any sort of cutting tool. Just another reason I want to buy small and grow in root-pruning containers myself, as not many places I know of bother with root-pruning containers; at this time I know of only Whitman Farms, Rock Bridge Trees, Greentec Nursery (but quart sizes or smaller only), Cutting Edge Plants, and Sooner Plant Farm.