Completed: 5/31/08
Premiered: 6/20/08, at AnimeNEXT 2008 Anime used: Princess Tutu Artist: Echo Image Song: Need to be Proud Spoilers: Yes; kind of big, but not huge. Download: (For direct links, please right-click and select "Save As...";
for link, just click it)
Convention record:
Notes: Echo Image owns you all (unless you happen to be Neuropa or Cosmicity) and you should all go buy their album Compuphonic, just like I did, because almost all the songs on it are good. And before I forget, thanks are due to VegettoEX and MeriC for alerting me in the first place to the fact that Echo Image was good. Yeah, this one's a Rue/Kraehe character profile. Once I saw the series, I realized that the song was perfect for her. The bulk of the editing was done in the last two weeks of May, as I had a big scary actuarial exam to study for before that. If you go to the video info page on (link below), you'll find a little drabble-type thing that I wrote up to basically express what I was thinking when I edited this video. Hopefully it will help the video make more sense. One free dub outtake with each download! |
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For further notes, please consult this video's information page on
Bumper music: "Sync (EXTREME version)" by Outphase (Taq and DJ Taka)
Credits audio: Official Princess Tutu dub outtakes by ADV Films