AKA H. carolina.
Good companion to rhododendrons and azaleas. Flower display is best viewed from underneath and close up, and preferably against a dark background, all as with Styrax.
Difficult to transplant (except when young); spring transplanting recommended, or else plant from containers. Needs deep soil (native to moist, rich woodlands and stream banks).
'Silver Splash' is variegated, as is (obviously) 'Variegata', but Dirr/Warren consider 'James Laubach' the best variegated variety. 'UConn Wedding Bells' is smaller, shrubby, with more and larger flowers that open more fully, plus somewhat glossy leaves. 'Arnold Pink' and 'Rosy Ridge' have pink flowers; 'Emily Marie' does as well but is compact and smaller. 'Jersey Belle' flowers abundantly and before the leaves. Varieties in the Vesita group have larger flowers.
Sources: Sunset, Stoecklein, UFL, JerseyYards.org, Missouri BG, Cal Poly, UConn, NCSU, USDA, Bir, Dirr/Warren.
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