Fragrance is of clove and powder.
Prefers part shade in summer and full sun in winter/spring. Fall color inconsistent. Generally avoids legginess even with age. Leaf spot and powdery mildew are purely cosmetic.
'Aurora' grows larger than the species and has superior flowers and very strong fragrance. 'Compactum' has disease-resistant foliage and rarely exceeds 3'x3'.
See also V. × carlcephalum (a cross with V. macrocephalum), V. × juddii (a cross with V. bitchiuense) with better heat tolerance and resistance to leaf spot, and V. × burkwoodii (a cross with V. utile). On top of that, 'Cayuga' is a backcross with V. × carlcephalum with larger inflorescences, larger, dark, shiny leaves, greater vigor, and a leggy tendency with age.
Sources: OSU, Sunset, Stoecklein, Missouri BG, UConn, Druse.
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