Dragon Lady Holly (Ilex x aquipernyi 'Meschick')

Just planted; the competing leader on the right will need to be subordinated (October 2019)
Too spiny (September 2020)

Source: Woodie's Garden Goods (MD)

Size shipped: #3 pot (measured almost 4')

Planted: In ground, October 2019

First flowering: Unknown yet

(This plant stayed behind when I moved in 2021; therefore, the following text will receive no further updates.)

My initial thoughts after this plant finally arrived at my door after weeks of delay (another reason never to order from Woodie's again): A beauty to behold, tall and dense and dark green, but this holly will cut you if you even look at her wrong. Those leaves are SPINY.

My further thoughts upon sliding the holly out of its pot: this thing is just hopelessly rootbound. Yes, most of the roots on the edge of the pot were thin and fibrous, but a number of them were thicker structural roots (some of which had even started growing upward), and it took quite an effort to get them apart. I just hope I fixed and/or removed all such roots that might have ended up girdling. Still another data point in favor of buying smaller plants when possible...